Gulshan Grover, who is known as 'Badman' in Bollywood, is 62 years old. Born in a Punjabi family in New Delhi on September 21, 1955, Gulshan had an acting debut from the film 'Hum Panchayat' in 1980. In this movie he played the character of Mahavir. Well, many people know about Gulshan but few people know about their family
Gulshan Kumar's first marriage was from 1998 in Philomina. Although this marriage did not last for 3 years and the couple divorced in 2001 Gulshan Grover from Philomina also has a son named Sanjay Grover. After Divorce, Gulshan's request received the son's custody on him.
Gulshan Kumar's first marriage was from 1998 in Philomina. Although this marriage did not last for 3 years and the couple divorced in 2001 Gulshan Grover from Philomina also has a son named Sanjay Grover. After Divorce, Gulshan's request received the son's custody on him.
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