FWICE वर्कर्स की अनिश्चितकालीन हड़ताल
Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE) had decided to go on strike since August 15 if their demands were not met. This strike is uncertain. In this case, shooting of movies and TV shows can have a great effect on the shooting.
The Federation says that the manufacturers' entities had promised to increase the fixed wages in the wages of the workers at the rate of 5 years from the beginning of 2015 to the next 5 years. But this promise has not been fulfilled. The first year was increased just 13 percent and next year 7.5 percent.
In addition to the above mentioned demands, the federation has put forward the demand of 8-hour shift, medical insurance, cleanliness on the set, proper arrangement for workers, and providing clean toilets instead of 12-hour shift. This federation has 22 union workers, but Allied Labor Union (AMU) has been divided into two factions, one of which is against the strike.
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