जब ओम पुरी बोले, ‘एक बात क्या निकल गई सब ने मुझे दिल से हटा दिया’
Om Puri's first wife, Seema Kapoor, is writing a book these days, in which she will unveil untimely aspects of Om Puri's life.
The book will include events and accidents of his life. The borders in the book are also compiling Om of Untold things. She says, all people want to know about the life of Om sahib. Ompuri was sad after commenting on the martyr soldier ...
In a special meeting, the border said that Om Puri was extremely unhappy with the controversy following a comment on the martyr soldier. Their misery increased so much that they could not get back. Om would say to me repeatedly!
The border said that even though a person makes mistakes and then he also regrets, there is no point in analyzing them in such a way. We are not so honest that there is no mistake, nor is it so vengeful that they do not regret the mistakes.
Clearly, the border did not take the name of Nandita, but referring to 'negative shades', he made it clear that the kind of book Nandita wrote, has broken Om Puri's image. Significantly, the border has directed 'Mr. Kabari'. Among them Om Puri and Anu Kapoor have played an important role. The film will be released on August 25.
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