ये दो महिला ने की शादी और फिर जो किया, देखकर उड़ा देगे होश

ये दो महिला ने की शादी और फिर जो किया, देखकर उड़ा देगे होश

           In Britain, Leicester City had a unique wedding on Saturday, which is in the headlines these days. In fact, this is Britain's first such lesbian marriage, in which two different religions are tied in a couple's marriage binding.

 Basically, while the Indian kalavati Leisestr Jewish Miriam Jafrsr was running hails from Texas City US 20-year affair ...

- The 48-year-old Kalawati and 46-year-old Miriam had been around 20 years ago.

Shortly after this, his friendship changed into a relationship and now both of them decided to get married.

- About this, Kalawati says that he kept this relation hidden from his family. Some time ago he told this story to his family.

- However, the angry family to Kalawati in the beginning, but later cleared of them married. The same happened with Miriam.

- on Saturday when they were married when Leisestr City were both family members and friends. The marriage took place with Indian customs, where both the red pairs appeared.
