पीले फूलों के बीच छुपा है एक जानवर, ढूंढने के लिए लगाना होगा दिमाग

पीले फूलों के बीच छुपा है एक जानवर, ढूंढने के लिए लगाना होगा दिमाग

               Every animal has a specialty that makes it different from others. Because of this, he hides himself from the eyes of others and prey himself by ambush. In this picture, an animal is waiting for its prey in the midst of yellow flowers. Need to find the brain? ...

This photo is from Franklin, living in North California. They said that between different natural scenes I have clicked such photos, in which the wild dog or their children are hidden, which are not easy to find. Now with your brain, find the hidden dog in it,
