जब बगल में बैठे टाटा को पहचान नहीं पाए थे दिलीप, ऐसी थी पहली मुलाकात

जब बगल में बैठे टाटा को पहचान नहीं पाए थे दिलीप, ऐसी थी पहली मुलाकात

              Recently, Famous Businessman JRD Tata had 113 Berthe Anniversary (July 29). Tata has met many celebrities in his life, but today you are going to tell him an anecdote which says that the person is not only identified with his money but also with simplicity.

This is an incident between actor Dilip Kumar and JRD Tata. This was the period when Dilip Kumar was on the peak of his career and the well-known businessman

Things were the days when Dilip Kumar's name was taken in the popular stars in the industry. Once upon a time when Dilip was going somewhere from Plane. The other people sitting in this plane became crazy after seeing Dilip. 

Someone started trying to talk to him and started taking an autograph. But a person sitting in the seat next to him did not make any difference to who was sitting on his side seat. The person kept watching outside the window and remained busy reading the magazine. These were none other businessman JRD Tata. Dilip Kumar could not identify Tata
