टीवी एक्टर की वाइफ ने किया ये जुर्म, एक महीने से दुबई की जेल में है बंद
Cheating For some time news came that the relationship between TV actor Amit Tandon and his wife Ruby is not normal. Now the news is that Ruby has been locked in Dubai jail for the last one month. According to the reports, the Dubai Health Authority has stated kathik that Ruby had threatened the government officials.
Due to this allegation, he has locked him in Dubai's Al Rafa jail. Once Amit has gone to Dubai to help the Wife, but he could not get the vine. They are planning to go to Dubai again. Ruby from the profession is a dermatologist ...
Amit's wife is a dermatologist with profession and many TV celebrities are his clients. Amit is unhappy with Ruby being in jail and he said that Ruby is a great doctor and he is always ready to help everyone.
Amit says that some people liked the success of Ruby and due to this they have been charged with such wrong allegations. They expect Ruby to get justice soon.
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