नाक पर छोटे से पिम्पल ने जो किया,देखकर आपका होश उड़ जायेंगे
The 28-year-old Miss Dotson, who lives in Knoxville, U.S. state of Tennessee, shares her cancer with people through her own war Selfie.
They had squamous cell carcinoma, which is likely to have many types of cancer related to skin. This cancer started like a small pimple on the nose of the deceased. But soon this pimple ruined the whole face of the deceased.
But when the place of recovery began to occur, then the doctors did the tests. The report revealed that it is not a pill, but cancer. According to the doctors, there were only 20 chances to survive the deceased but they fought and betrayed their cancer and defeated the cancer.
The beautiful face of the deceased has worsened badly in this war from cancer. The doctors removed the cancerous part by doing the surgery, but in return, the dead had to pay a heavy price.
Cancer had reached their jaw, apart from their nose. In addition to jaws, 8 teeth have to be removed in the nose of surgery.
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