800 साल पहले ऊंची इमारतों से भरा था ये शहर, आज भी मजबूती से है खड़े
In medieval times, Bologna city of North Italy did not seem to be from today's modern cities. Yes, 800 years ago, more than 180 skyscrapers were present in this city. The nobles of the city used to show their power and importance. There are still memories ...According to archaeologists, there were about 180 skyscrapers in the city of Bologna until the 12th and 13th centuries. However, most of these towers were dropped in the 13th century.
Those who were left, started to be used in different jobs. If someone was converted into a jail, then someone in a shop or residential building. The last tower was dropped in 1917. Today, only 20 buildings in this city are left in this city.
The most famous of these are: Ashinieli and Garisanda. Both towers were named after the famed families of that time. Among them, the length of the ashingly tower is 97 meters, while Garcia's 48 meters By the way both the towers were initially equal, but later when the top buildings of Garcia were dropped due to the tilt of the tower, the height of the ashlyeli tower was increased.
Even today, the beauty of the city can be overcome by climbing the roof of the Asinii tower.
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