20 लाख मुस्लिम पहुंचे मक्का, ऐसा था 'अराफात' पर्वत का नजारा
For Haj pilgrimage, about two million Muslims from all over the world have reached the holy shrine located in Saudi Arabia, Mecca. This year Iran's citizens have also arrived for Haj pilgrimage. No one came from Iran last year on Haj pilgrimage.
But, this year, about 6,000 people have also reached Mecca from Iran. Tell us, millions of people from Asia, Africa and different countries come every year to perform Hajj. Why is Arafat mountain special ...
- On reaching this place, Prophet Muhammad Sahib completed his Haj pilgrimage.
However, with the submission of the Hajj in the neighboring city of Mecca, the formal pilgrimage of the Haj pilgrimage begins, but according to religious laws, the five-day Haj begins with the arrival of Mera from Arafat.
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