भाई सलमान के वजह से 19 साल से कोर्ट के चक्कर लगा रही हैं बहन अलवीरा

भाई सलमान के वजह से 19 साल से कोर्ट के चक्कर लगा रही हैं बहन अलवीरा

               Alwar is coming to the court continuously in the deer hunting case of 19 years in Jodhpur against Salman. Even if Salman does not come to court, he keeps coming here. Alvira coming to Jodhpur for these 19 years has changed a lot now, but not changed, her love for her brother

In the year 1998, during the arrest of three cases of deer hunting episode in Jodhpur against Salman Khan and his arrest Alvira came to Jodhpur for the first time. Almost two decades ago, there has been a lot of change in the lean-thin Alwira.

During his visit to Jodhpur he has seen many ups and downs for nearly two decades. Always smiling Alvira also tears several times. When Salman was sent to jail, his tears were exhausted when his brother was acquitted in gum.

- Staying away from Lime Light, he stays in his work. Due to frequent Jodhpur, he has become very knowledgeable of the court and himself goes straight to the court.
