नॉर्मल दिखती थी ये लड़की, 14 साल तक कपड़ों में जो निकाला उसे देखकर होश उड़ जायेंगे

नॉर्मल दिखती थी ये लड़की, 14 साल तक कपड़ों में जो निकाला उसे देखकर होश उड़ जायेंगे 

              Such cases arise in the days of the world, in which children are born with different types of maladies. In many cases the child dies. But there are some lucky people whose life gives doctors a chance. One such lucky girl is 19 year old Vorkitu Debebet

Everyone was considered normal by looking at Utopia's Vorkitu. Like a normal girl she used to do all the work. He had never seen any reduction in himself. 

But one day when the other friend changed clothes in front of him, he realized that his body is different. Actually, for 14 years, Vorkitu was carrying his parasitic twin in his body. 

In the lower part of her abdomen were her twin's two hands and feet. Due to poverty, he could not be treated earlier, but in 2012, orthopedic surgeon Dr Eric Gochen separated eight of his extraction from Vorkitu's body after 8 hours of surgery.
