11 साल की फीमेल स्टूडेंट को टीचर करता था ऐसे-ऐसे मैसेज, फिर हुआ ये
Recently, an objectionable picture with a student of Helakandi of Assam had been viral on the social site. However, the ones who are embarrassing about the relationship between the teacher and the disciple often come forward.
Something similar happened in Hong Kong, where a teacher used to oddly mess with a 11-year-old student
According to a website, a teacher of the Yuen Long Primary School used to make enough objectionable messages to his students. The case was revealed when the elder's elder sister made the screenshot public on social site Facebook.
It is said that the girl has recently finished her primary schooling. The accused teacher used to call the victim as 'Gods' or 'Goddess' and always kept the message.
The accused teacher often used to write 'Miss You' and 'Love You' when you laugh 'if you laugh.' Not only this, the boy continued to give advice about how the girl could attract towards him. One day the teacher brought a dollar for her and began to insist on taking forced selfies.
After all, the victim girl got fed up and told all the things from her big flowing. After this the matter reached the principal. At the same time, when the principal started questioning him, he said in his cleanliness, 'He is like my daughter, so I used to care so much'.
The teacher has been suspended after the matter has been revealed. At the same time, the girl's mother has complained to the teacher and the school has done the education bureau. Both are still investigating the case.
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