रियल में ऐसे दिखते थे साईं बाबा, इस दिन 10 लाख से अधिक लोग आते हैं शिर्डी
Guru's Vandana, the day of worship is on Guru Purnima July 9th. However, thousands of people reach Shirdi every day to see Sai Baba's samadhi.
But this number reaches more than 10 lakhs to Guru Purnima. Sai Baba is said to have told his devotees the date of their death already.
- Baba's devotees keep their pictures and idols in their homes. These photos of Sai Baba are said to be about 100 years old. It is not clear though, who has pulled the photos.
Sai spent his entire life in the service of the people. They continue to relieve the pain of others every second.
- There is no exact mention in respect to Baba's birth.
- The secret of all the miracles of Sai is found in his principles, he has given some formulas which can be succeeded by lifting life.
- Despite being self-sufficient, he never used power for himself.
Despite having the capacity to mobilize all the means, he always continued to live a simple life and this education was given to the world as well.
- Sai Baba used to live in Shirdi as a normal person.
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