हंसी-खुशी सोने गया कपल,सुबह मिला इस हाल में
On Friday, in a Banda district of UP, a Newly Married Couple was sued by hanging in suspicious condition. Both of them found hanging in the house hanging. 6 months ago both of them got married. The police has sent dead bodies to the postmortem.
- The case belongs to the Tindwara police station. The body of Dharmendra and his wife Kanchan, hanging on the hanging hanging. Both of them were married on January 22, 2017.
- Dharmendra's mother told that from the morning son and daughter-in-law did not come out of their room. Even when I did not get the answer, I went to his room. Both of them got hanged from the plank of the sari. I screamed and called the whole family.
- People of Aspados say, Dharmendra was in tension for the last few days. He was drinking alcohol However, the economic condition of the house was good, yet it is not known why husband and wife did this.
- Tell us, elder brother of deceased Brajendra Patel and sister-in-law Ranjana are also living together, they are both government teachers. For 4 days, both have gone out of work. There is 32 bigha land between the two brothers. There is a house in which one part has been rented to Allahabad UP Rural Bank.
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