समुद्र में लहरों से कुछ यूं होती है जहाजों की टक्कर,देखकर रोंगटे खड़े हो ...

समुद्र में लहरों से कुछ यूं होती है जहाजों की टक्कर,देखकर रोंगटे खड़े हो जायेंगे  

            Everyone likes to take pleasure in the sea while sitting in the ship between the ocean waves. But when these waves begin to try to adjust the vessel in an awkward form, then they look at the sight. Similar posts have been released by Daily Mail, which has been clicked in many corners of the world. Every year there are many deaths ...

The more exciting it is to travel by ship, the more dangerous it is. Small fishing boats do not even face the small waves of the sea. But even when sea waves become rocky in front of the giant ships, difficulties start then. To date, many people in the world have lost their lives in marine accidents.

 Some of these were fishermen ships, so some of the defense people After looking at the photos released by the website, you will also understand that what some people think is exciting, in reality, how dangerous it is. After seeing these pictures, you will also leave your plan to travel by ship.
