गणित की दुनिया में इस अक्षर की है घनघोर बेइज्जती, जानकर चकरा जाएंगे

गणित की दुनिया में इस अक्षर की है घनघोर बेइज्जती, जानकर चकरा जाएंगे

            One Two Three Four Five .... Wait at this count of English, this game has been played with some letters that if you know, then you will say ... This thing did not even come to mind. Let us say that the selected Famous Alphabet who has been overlooked in the Roman Counting

Perhaps you might be surprised to know, but when counting numbers from 1 to 99 count in English, it will be known that these four have not been used anywhere. After 99, D is used for the first time in 100 (Hundred). However, A B and C have been used and after quite a few numbers.
