कई दिनों से हो रहा था कान में दर्द, लेकिन डॉक्टर ने निकाला ये खतरनाक...

कई दिनों से हो रहा था कान में दर्द, लेकिन डॉक्टर ने निकाला ये खतरनाक...

                 A strange case has emerged in Kazakhstan. Actually, a boy here was troubled with ear ache for some time and when the doctor showed up, there was a shocking disclosure. Yes, the doctor pulled out dozens of live insects from his ear. This is the whole case ...

- The name of the boy and his age has not been disclosed.

- Aida Abdybekova, deputy director of the Kazakhstan Scientific Research Veterinary Institute, told that when the boy reached the hospital, there was a lot of pain in his ear.

- When we checked him, he had worms in his ear. But, the most shocking thing was that insects were alive.

- Ada said that we thought that there would be two three insects, but when two days of insect removal from the ear began, two dozen bugs came out.

They said that the size of the worms was also very big.

- However, that boy did not know how the insects came to his ears. But, the doctor said that a worm had long gone in his ear and due to his egg or larva many insects made his house in his ear.

- Ada had also said that such a case had already arrived, it was not new to us.

- A person in Operation Theater made a video of him and uploaded it to social sites, which is getting viral.
