खंडहर को गया सिंगर किशोर कुमार का ये मकान, अंदर से दिखता है ऐसा

खंडहर को गया सिंगर किशोर कुमार का ये मकान, अंदर से दिखता है ऐसा

             The condition of the ancestral house situated in the Bombay market of the singer Kishore Kumar, the all-rounder actress who illuminated the name of Khandwa in MP and MP in the country and the world is pathetic.

The worst part is the worst part of the house. Its balcony also has fallen. The condition of the upper floor has become worse. Given the disreputable condition of the house, it has given notice of the drop.

- In the record of the corporation, this house is lodged in the name of Kalyan Kumar Kikalal Ganguly (Amit Kumar's father, Sw Kishore Kumar and others).

At the house of Bombay Market main road, the timings of the corporation's timetable, Arif Beg and Vishweshwar Chauhan, have been issued. A copy of this was also given to the custodian Sitaram Sawner. The watchman said I do not know the address of Mumbai. How to send this paper When someone comes here, I will give them.

Ganguly's residence is more than 100 years old. Kishore Kumar's father, Kikilal Ganguly, made it with a great saving. This house is situated in the Bombay business district, the major business area of ​​the city. There are 11 shops in the premises.

 Made in 7600 sq ft, the parental residence of Kishore Das is now named after Arjun Kumar, son of his brother Anoop Kumar. Since Anoop Kumar's Mali has not been properly conditioned, the brothers have also given their share of houses to him.
