इस पुरुष ने दिया है बच्ची को जन्म, इसमें ली गई है फेसबुक की मदद

इस पुरुष ने दिया है बच्ची को जन्म, इसमें ली गई है फेसबुक की मदद

             A UK man gave birth to a baby girl on June 16th. It was disclosed by his family on July 6. In the berth certificate, the name of the male is registered as a mother and the father with the name of the father is empty.

The 21-year-old man was actually born as a woman and after that he changed his genders. To create a child, she had searched a sperm donor with the help of Facebook. Donor's identity has not been revealed.

Hayden Cross, who lives in Britain's Gloucestershire, gave birth to a baby girl on June 16. His name has been named Trinity Leaf.

-Hidden was born as a girl. She was taking hormone therapy for sex change. He has got legally male status in the UK. In this way, he is the first man to be born in the UK.
