बच्चे पैदा करने के लिए होता था प्याज का इस्तेमाल, ये हैं उसके अनोखे यूज

बच्चे पैदा करने के लिए होता था प्याज का इस्तेमाल, ये हैं उसके अनोखे यूज

           The person likes onions for thousands of years. The remains of onion were found in excavation of 5,000 years BC pre-Bronze Age. It not only enhances the flavor, but also suffers from nutrition. There is nothing new in this.

 But perhaps you might not have heard about the unique use of onions. Centuries ago people from ancient civilizations and medieval Europe used to use a variety of onions, which can be a surprise to anyone.

Evidence shows that Egyptians who cultivated pyramids used to cultivate onions 3000 years ago. Onions were part of their daily diet.

But along with it they used to worship onion. Because of the round shape of the onion and the ring on which it was cut, it was considered a symbol of Eternal Life.

Not even this, the parts of onion were found in the mother sockets of Mami of King Ramesh IV of Egypt. This proves that ancient Egyptians used it in the funeral process.
