आसमान से गिर रहा था पानी तभी धरती पर हुआ धमाका, दिखा ऐसा नजारा

आसमान से गिर रहा था पानी तभी धरती पर हुआ धमाका, दिखा ऐसा नजारा

            In the Kathara Coal Mines of Bermo, with a rain occurring for four consecutive days, with a volcanic eruption, on Tuesday. There was a sudden burst of explosion and then the gas balloon started coming out. After the incident, the people around the place reached the spot. Darcyl, this scene shows the sudden accumulation of excess water in the reserves of burning coal.

Let's say that underground coal mines have underground fire. From time to time it keeps smiling and sometimes the fire comes out too.

In an area of ​​3 km, underground fire has spread its scope. There is a mini pond nearby, which was constantly flooded due to rain.

- In the morning, the water of the lake reached over to the place where the coal was under fire. What was then, thousands of gallons of water suddenly dropped out of the fire area and the gas started rising rapidly.

If the people believe that there will be methane gas somewhere below the ground, then the smoke seems to be rising with the explosion.

The smoke and ash looked at the smoke all around. There was a route from here, which was closed immediately after the incident.

-CLL had filled the mines ten years ago with the ashes. After being upstairs, fire was not spoken within the ground. All the surrounding areas have filled the white sheets with the smoke coming out of the mines.
