बाइबिल में इस शहर को बताया गया है दुनिया का सबसे पावरफुल

बाइबिल में इस शहर को बताया गया है दुनिया का सबसे पावरफुल

             There is a place in Turkey where very few tourists arrive, but that place is very important. This place has been mentioned several times in the Bible. This place is adjacent to the town of Bogzale, where the ancient Hatsu are ruins of the city. This city was once used to be the capital of the Hittite empire. It was so powerful that this empire was

Hitittes had pushed the great Egyptian king back.

In the last phase of the Bronze Age, the Hittite Empire spread from West Asia to Greece. In many places in the Bible, Hitittite is mentioned as one of the most powerful empires of ancient times.

It was equal to the great civilization of ancient Egypt.

In the war of Egypt and Hititte, the interests began to be overwhelming. And Egypt's Pharaoh (king) Ramses had to flee to Egypt. It happened 13 centuries before Christ. This war is called the Battle of Kadesh. Later, the treaty of both empires was done, and Ramses had married a princess of Hititte.
