कोमा में था शख्स, डॉक्टर्स भी हार गए थे हिम्मत, फिर कुत्ते ने किया ये कमाल

कोमा में था शख्स, डॉक्टर्स भी हार गए थे हिम्मत, फिर कुत्ते ने किया ये कमाल

             It is said that the dog is the most loyal and lovely friend, who has said it is absolutely right. Recently in the Hampshire city of England, a dog has given a new life to his master and these days he is in the headlines.This is the whole case ...

Andy Szasz and Estelle had adopted this dog in the year 2012. Both of them lovingly named Teddy. Teddy is very cute, honest, laughing and smart to look at. Teddy got quite mixed with them and in time their need became. But one day Andy came to know that he was suffering from intestinal cancer. He was undergoing treatment for a few days, but there was no improvement in his health and he went to coma.

Doctors tried hard to take Andy out of a coma but could not succeed. Estelle was scared and thought that why not bring Andy to Andy in the hospital. However, there was no permit to carry the dog inside the hospital. However, went to find doctors and after discussions with hospital management Estelle allowed to move to the Teddy Andy. 

As soon as Teddy came in and saw Andy, he started barking. Then there was such a miracle that all kept watching. Indeed, Andy began to sensitize Teddy's bark and gradually she started living. Soon after, Andy became completely healthier and soon he was discharged from the hospital. Andy said that I saved Teddy's life and Teddy saved my life.
