शराब, रेप और 5 महीने की शादी, ऐसी थी सलमान के इस दोस्त की लाइफ
Salman Khan's friend and actor Inder Kumar, who worked in a TV show like 'Saas too Kabhi Bahu Thi' (2002) and 'Fear Files' (2013), died on Friday at the age of 44. Inder's Personal Life has been quite controversial, away from the acting world for a long time.It was revealed by Indra, his second wife, Pallavi Sarraf who used to drink plenty of alcohol. Not only this, the model that alleged Rape allegations against Inder had said that Inder raped him with alcohol.
- Inder was taken into custody. During this, he had said that the model and what happened between them was done by mutual consent.
In this case Inder's wife Pilli was also on her side. Pallavi said, "My husband had made a One Night stand. The model between the model and Indar was made by mutual consent but after that he started blackmailing them."
Pallavi had said in the interview, "After a few days we had a small fight and Indra left the house. When they did not return 3-4 days, I started feeling that something was wrong and I started going to my mother's house. Who lives on the first floor in the same house, I had also brought all the ATMs and credit cards of Inder so that she did not spend money on the model for which she had lagged behind. "
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