10 साल की उम्र में सूमो-सा दिखता है ये बच्चा, टॉयलेट पेपर भी खा जाता है ...

10 साल की उम्र में सूमो-सा दिखता है ये बच्चा, टॉयलेट पेपर भी खा जाता है ...

              The 10-year-old Caden Benjamin, who lives in South Africa, weighs about 90 kg. While the common people eat three meals a day, Cadan gets hungry every hour. At the age of three, Caden weighed 40 kg. This disease is hunting ...

According to Caden's mother Jola, since childhood she used to eat a lot more than other children. Given his growing weight, his zola also showed him many doctors. But no one understood the reason for this. Finally, a doctor from Pretoria's Steve Biko Academic Hospital told that Caden Predder is a victim of Willy syndrome, which is one of 20,000 people in the world.

Caden begins with four slices of cheese toast. An hour later, with Colddrink Kane, she ate all the remaining food of the night. Even after eating two big pieces of chicken in the luncheon, he continues to feel hungry.
