यह Lingerie मॉडल घर पर रहने को है मजबूर, इतना खतरनाक है कारण

यह Lingerie मॉडल घर पर रहने को है मजबूर, इतना खतरनाक है कारण

                  The UK's lancet model Carla Creese was selected from one of the country's most retractive women. He has got an opportunity to appear on the cover of famous British magazines like Nats and Ju. But Carla is forced to leave the modeling career at home at the age of 25. The reason is their illness, which leads them to face unbearable pain, anxiety, restlessness and blood loss. The circumstances are that they have to undergo surgery every 6 months.

This is the case ... 

-Carla has been suffering from heavy bleeding during the period of pain, from the age of 14 years. But doctors did not catch their disease for 10 years. They treated bowl syndrome as treatment. Finally, it was revealed that Carla has endometriosis. It is also called Frozen Pelvice. In this condition the tissue on the outer side of the uterus starts behaving like its inner layer.

 -If ovaries, fallopian tubes, stomach and bladder are also affected. Due to this disease, many cysts and paste have become around Carla's uterus. Because of this, his euters, bowl and intestines have stuck in a way. Because of this Carla has severe pain. Their periods are long and heavy bleeding. The only way to remove these systolic and adhesive is surgery. 

If surgery is not done, then the inner reproductive organs have a bad effect. Because of this illness, Carla had to leave home to have a good career. They always feel pain and persist for a long time. In such a situation, they can not sit for make-up - photoshoot and rampovok are far away. 

-Karla says that she has been very friendly, but in compulsion she has to remain confined to the house. Doctors say that if Carla leaves his Euterus, then he can get relief from the disease.

 But this will also mean that they will never be able to become a mother again. Obviously, at the age of 25, the decision to release the uterus is very difficult for him. 
