'दंगल गर्ल' का हुआ कार एक्सीडेंट, रेलिंग तोड़कर डल झील में जा गिरी गाड़ी
On Friday, with Aamir Khan, in the film 'Dangal', Zayara Wasim's car became an accident. According to the police, when the 16-year-old Zaara was going with her friend on Friday night, the accident happened on Boulevard Road on the banks of Dal Lake. The carriage was moving at a fast speed, the driver lost control and car crossed the pavement and dragged it from the railing and went straight to the lake. After the accident, everyone has been taken safely out of the lake.Jayara is safe ...
- Jaira was going somewhere from work with her friend Arif Ahmed. This incident happened during the incident. Local people present on the event came forward and saved both
- Jaira has not been injured in the accident but her friends have been injured
- The car accident happened to be registered in the name of a leader. The cause of the accident is being said to be the speed of the car.
- Please tell, Jaira played the role of childhood role of wrestler Geeta Fogat in 'Dangal'. Zoya was awarded this award for Best Supporting Female Actor for this role.
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