बेटी के लिए सुपरमार्केट से खरीदे अंगूर, उनमें छुपा बैठा था ये खतरनाक जीव

बेटी के लिए सुपरमार्केट से खरीदे अंगूर, उनमें छुपा बैठा था ये खतरनाक जीव

            A woman from Cuddenham, England, bought a black grapes box from her supermarket for her daughter. But when he noticed inside the box at home, he was shocked by one-off fear. There was a living black-vido spider sitting inside the box.

 This spider is extremely toxic and its bite causes severe irritation on the skin and in many cases its upper layer becomes melted.

The 33-year-old Kimberly Seymour bought a black grapes from a supermarket. At home, he kept that box in the fridge, which remained there for a week.

Then on Monday, Kimberly opened the box to feed her 9-year-old daughter Fobi, then her senses went away. Kimberly says that with the effect of that scene, I have still shaken. I saw that there was a spider on every side in the box and a black spider was sitting in the corner. With a red mark on his back, I guessed that this black window could be spider.

- Spider Expert Catherine Scott, linked to the University of Toronto, Canada, has confirmed the pictures of the spider and confirmed that it could be a black window.

Kimberly somehow closed the spider in the lunch box and handed it to the manager in the living condition. The manager says that we sell millions of bins of grapes every week and our farmer clean them well before packing, so the likelihood of such a case is unforeseen.
