नदी किनारे छुट्टी मनाने गया था कपल, वहां खुदाई में मिला कुछ ऐसा कि...

नदी किनारे छुट्टी मनाने गया था कपल, वहां खुदाई में मिला कुछ ऐसा कि...

                In the city of Louisiana in the US, a coupled red river was on its way to the shore. Meanwhile, in the swamps, he was seen on something which was about a thousand years old. After seeing him at first sight, he cheated, what was this, but later came to know that he is a canoe. This is the whole case ...

According to a website, Robert Cornett and Jeanna Bradle went to the Red River located in Sherverport to celebrate the holiday.

- When he was riding on the river, his eyes fell on a long, covered lot in the soil. After that, both of them started digging at that place. 

- When they looked at the same thing, it came to know that it is a canoe, which is about a thousand years old. 

- Kapal said that the craft was about 33 feet long and three feet wide. Not only that the canoe's weight was about one thousand pounds. It is said that the canoe will be from the Cado Indians, which have now shifted to the US Louisiana area.

 At the same time, when it was reported to the Archeology Department, immediately the team reached the spot and started scrutinizing it. During the investigation, it was found that the canoe's condition is still completely correct, but some parts of the side were missing. 

- The researchers said that it would have been made about 800 to 1000 years ago. 

- Mr. Girard, who was involved in the team of researchers, said that this kind of canoe was also found in 1983, which is currently kept in the museum. 

- The information of this search spread throughout the area and a large number of people gathered to see the canoe. After some time the researchers took him out with the help of local people. Currently, it has been preserved in Texas A & M University. 
