क्या सच में इस लड़की के बट में हुआ है ब्लास्ट, जानिए वायरल खबर का सच?
Nowadays, watching any news on social media becomes viral. In the past, a similar shocking news was viral. The picture of a young woman was viral with this viral news, where was the going that this young woman had done her surgery to make her butt attractive.
After exercising in gym, the woman's butt was blasted. After which he went into coma. According to the news printed on a web portal, the woman had implanted in her butt.
When he was exercising at the gym During this time his butt was blasted. The woman was immediately admitted to the hospital. After this the woman went to a coma too. But when it was detected about the truth of the news, the news came out completely wrong. Actually someone had jokingly posted this news.
After that this news became viral everywhere. In fact, such a case was never recorded in that hospital. Where is this information?
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