The photos shared by women named Colleen on social sites are getting viral. In this post, Colleen told that after the birth of three children, his figure had worsened.
He took a miraculous way to get his figure back He used this method for a few nights and seeing the results, Colleen is very happy.
This magic showing just three items ... Colleen claims that this method can be easily reduced by stomach increased stomach. Colleen bought a seaweed lotion from the market. Apart from this, you will need plastic to bind on the stomach. Colleen made plastic after putting seaweed lotion on his stomach for a few nights.
To keep the plastic on the stomach, Colleen had bandage over it. After that he would go to sleep He did this for a few nights.
The result that has emerged from this, has surprised the people too. Colleen claims that an inch of stomach is reduced every night in this manner.
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