क्या आप जानते है कि रावण के वध के बाद मंदोदरी का क्या हुआ था

क्या आप जानते है कि रावण के वध के बाद मंदोदरी का क्या हुआ था

                Ramayana I have many people about whom very few people know that very few people know about Ramayana's main character Mandodari, that after Ravana's death, what happened to Ravan had become Satya or something else happened Today we will tell you about this.

Meghnath's wife had become sati with Meghnath, but what is the reason why Ravana's wife, Mandodari, could not be sati with Ravana? 

As mentioned in the Ramayana, that Ram had killed Ravan and made King Vibhishana of Lanka and he ruled with his wife Sita in Ayodhya for Ayodhya for 11000 years.

 After Ravana's death, Mandodari got married to Ravana with proper relation and got married with Vibhishan. There are so many stories that few people know who are very interested in listening. 

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