ये हैं 97 साल के लव गुरु, अपने 'पावर' के बारे में करते हैं ये अनोखा दावा

ये हैं 97 साल के लव गुरु, अपने 'पावर' के बारे में करते हैं ये अनोखा दावा

               These are Turkey's Yoga Guru Kazim Gurbuj. Age is reaching 97 years, that is, close to 100. But it seems to be close to 50 in appearance. Are still equally active. Due to age, in no case has not been reduced

 - even in case of sexual relations. This popular yoga guru claims that he has 3 to 5 organs every day, that is, he can make sex so often every day. Though no attempt has been made to test this claim, but nobody is skeptical about this because of the look and feel of his personality. This is the secret behind this ...

-Kazim was born in 1920 in Adana province of Turkey. At the age of 41, his spinal cord was broken. Doctors had said that they would not be able to stand again.

-Kajim says that he used 63 different types of experiments on his own. After 9 months of these experiments, they started walking. According to Kazim, this was not a miracle. Everything happens in the brain. With the power of the brain, you can make the impossible possible. Your brain can regulate the mumps and nerves.

-Kazim is the master of yoga. They can stay in the knot pose, which can be done by trapping the hands and feet in the neck, for 48 hours.

Qazim says that human beings can survive until 130 years of age. For this, they give their own example.

Kajim goes for swimming every morning. This way they are exposed to sunlight everyday. During this, your breathing is stopped for 4-5 minutes. They tell these activities the source of their energy.

In addition to this, Kazim also points out spirituality as his strength. They consider olive, red peppers, pinto bean, herbal teas and soup as superfood. Kazi is completely away from the meat. They take plant products for protein
