बॉक्स के बीच छिपा बैठा है 6 फीट का अजगर, क्या आपको आया नजर?

बॉक्स के बीच छिपा बैठा है 6 फीट का अजगर, क्या आपको आया नजर?

            We all have seen snakes hidden in our house and in the garage several times. But sometimes the snake hides in a horoscope like this, which is not easily visible even when it is in front. There is also a dangerous python hidden in this picture, which will not be easily visible.

 Looking at the look, will it come? This photo is a garage located in the Sunside Coast of Queensland, where the carpet of 1.8 meters (about 6 feet) between these compartments is seated in a dragon horoscope. 

- The garage owner said that he used to keep inside the garage several times a day, but never saw that snake. 

- Because the snake is hidden in the horoscope like this, which will not be easily seen by anyone. 

- But we tell you, while removing your confusion, finally where the snake is hidden. First of all, look at the rack on the left side. Now, looking at the second meal of the rack carefully, look at the side of the second box placed on the left side.

 - See how the snake is seated in its own way.

 - The garage owner said that when he saw this snake he was also nervous. But with the help of his assistant, he pulled out the snake and filled it in the bag and left it out. At the same time, the Expert said that the carpet is dangerous enough to appear dragon. Not only this snake can be eaten without a month. 
