दीवार गिरने से 10 फीट नीचे मिट्टी में दबा ये शख्स, 20 मिनट मे ऐसे बची जान

दीवार गिरने से 10 फीट नीचे मिट्टी में दबा ये शख्स, 20 मिनट मे ऐसे बची जान

                    Today the wall of the side collapsed on a laborer. As soon as the wall collapsed, some of the people present there read the eyes of the laborer who was working there. But the workers working there gathered people to save their partner while not delaying and saved their partner in 20 minutes.

Such saved your partner ...

 - This incident is near the office of Khwada. Where is the 'Mohali Walk Mall' on behalf of Delhi's company with Gurudwara Amb Saheb? 

- The worker was standing near the nearby wall during the digging of this mall basement and was doing his job. 

- The worker's name was Prem Kumar, who was about 40 years old and was buried under the soil due to the collapse of soil. As soon as the information was found, nearly 20 people working nearby started removing the soil immediately. 

- If someone was removing the soil with a hand, then with a shovel. He also called the crane. 
- People first put their head and mouth out of the soil. 

- After 20 minutes of hard work, Prem Kumar got out alive 
