चेन्नई के मैच में अमेजिंग रिएक्शन देने वाली लड़की निकली ये...

In the IPL 2018, during the last two matches of Chennai, the camera was repeatedly focusing on a beautiful girl. Whenever the Chennai players used to play sixs and sixes, then the reactions of this girl were shown. At the same time, the match-viewers were not able to understand that after all this girl is who There were also many types of claims on social media. Even the people had told it to the little girl who appeared on the wrapper-biscuit wrapper. But now that secret is open.

The name of this mystery girl, seen in matches in Chennai, is Malti Chahar. It is the sister of Deepa, who is playing for Paes, from Chennai.

- Malti has been a second runner-up in the Miss Delhi contest and is currently modeling. Trying to try career in films.
