अभी अभी इस दिग्गज साइंटिस्ट का हुआ निधन, आखिर वक्त पर किया ऐसा..

David Gudal, the oldest scientist in Australia, ended his life through euthanasia at the age of 104. David left home in search of his death and went to Switzerland. The reason was also very weird. Actually they are fed up with life. Doctor David Guadal was very sorry to live so long. In the last moments of life, he closed his eyes listening to a musician Beethoven's tune "Audi Jo Joy".

 Famous environmentalist and botanist David Guadal was prevented from seeking help for death due to not having any serious illness in his own country, but he believed that he had lived the best part of his life and wanted to die now. .

For this, the 12-owed family, with a donation of around $ 20,000 to the people, traveled from Perth to Switzerland's Bilderjee's flight. Here he got the legal permission to die.
