रात को सिर्फ 2 बूँद लगाने से आपके चेहरे से सारे दाग-धब्बे और झुर्रियां ह...

Let us tell you what you have to do for him. For this you have to make oily cream for which you should have a nova cream and a Johnson baby baby oil. Yes, now you might be wondering how to remove stain marks from oily creams. First, add a little nevia cream to a bowl. Then add Johnson baby oil to it. Now mix these two well, by doing this, one oil has been prepared.

Now you should take this oil before sleeping on your face daily. If you regularly take this prescription, you will begin to see the effect in your face within a few weeks and your facial scars and shingles should be removed. You will also look very white.

Add some cream of Nivia 1 in the bowl and mix some drops of Jones baby oil in it and mix well, you will get an oily cream. Put it in a container and keep it in the fridge and sleeping in the night twice a week, you will notice a lot of difference in your face beforehand. Your skin will look bleak after your facial scars have dimmed.
