न जिम जाने को पैसा, न खाने को खास खुराक, फिर भी बॉडी देखिए इनकी

To make body, what do the youth do? Early in the morning, they get up and running, spend hours in the gym and take special diets. But the wage earner is 66 years old, when a person is shirtless, then the young man looking at his body is also surprised. No special diet ... nor money in pocket for milk and eggs every day.

 Just whichever crust gets dry, they eat and work hard at the gym. Prem Lal Nishad of Raigad is

51 years ago, seeing Dharmendra's film Flowers and Stones, Prem Chand, who is passionate about becoming a bodybuilder, is still heading up to this day. Prem Chand gets up at 4 in the morning and falls asleep at 9 o'clock in the night. With work they workout in the gym fiercely.
