रहस्यमयी ढंग से अपना रंग बदलने में माहिर होता है यह समुद्री जीव, देखकर आ...

A distraught, video related to it. In which a seahorse has been shown in a mysterious way, changing its color. You will be surprised at seeing this video. For your information, please tell, this video was made by British Custom. Which has also been shared on YouTube. They were caught in this rare creature in smuggling.

We also call 'Sea-Hors' as 'Sea Mustang' or 'Ashwamin'. The sea horse is not a horse but a bizarre type of fish. Its head is very similar to the horse's head, hence its name is a sea horse. Its body is tight and smooth, and the tail is like a snake.

This is the most rarely found rare creature in the ocean. You will not even remember that in a report published in the year 2012, scientists had warned that in the next 10 years, 'Sea Horse' could be completely extinct. If there is no need to save them from the moment, then no one can stop them from the end. Today, such situations have arisen.
