120 साल के हैं पति और 122 साल की है पत्नी, मनाई शादी की 100 वीं सालगिरह ...

These are Lord Lion of Hararangpura village, age is 120 years, wife's name is Dhan Kaur, her age is 122 years. Recently they both celebrated their 100th wedding anniversary with pomp. However, according to official documents, Lord Singh is 118 years old

His birth date on Aadhar card is 1 January 1900, but if his claim is accepted, he was born in 1898 and his wife Dhan Kaur was born in 1896.

There is no proof of his age due to the birth of birth in the countryside before independence, but his claim seems right after seeing the age of his children and listening to the elderly of the villages.

- Lord Singh and Dhan Kaur have five daughters and one son. The eldest daughter is 90 years old, while the youngest son is 55 years old.

- Because of lack of awareness, she could not enter the Guinness Book of World Records.
