चिल्लर जमा करने में सबका गुरु निकला यह आदमी, मिला इतना पैसा जानकर दंग रह...

This man came out to be the teacher's master in collecting chillar. By doing so, it has accumulated so much money in 45 years that the whole world was stunned

Some people get savings for more than two years, but this person did this for 45 years and see what the result was. Today the world is treating this person as an example.

This passionate man's heart became so passionate that it was not stopped for 45 years. It continued to collect chillar everyday and it came to the fact that he had to deposit these chillars in barrels. Yes, the picture you see is the same person

When Otha Anders, who lived in Louisiana, decided to deposit his unique collection after 45 years in the bank, then seeing his coins in such a large amount, his head was dazed.

Otha Enders had 12 Barrels Coins. These twelve barrels were completely filled when they took them through the bank and the bankers became aware.
