श्रीदेवी के पार्थिव शरीर को दुबई से लाने में भारतीय शख्स ने की मदद

In Dubai, Ashraf Sheri Tamasseri (44) of Indian origin helped a lot in sending the body of Sridevi to Mumbai. When the body of Sree Devi was waiting for the body in Mumbai, then her body was sent to Dubai in a normal marchury until she was examined. Ashraf played a key role in the body of Sridevi's family. Let us know that on February 24, at 11.30 pm, the hotel was killed in Hotel Jumaira Emirates Tower. Initially speaking of Cardiac Arrest On Monday, the forensic report revealed that there was an accidental drowning in the bathtub. On Tuesday, the Public Prosecutor handed over the body to the family after the completion of the investigation and closed the case.

According to the news agency, Ashraf lives in the UAE. The foreigners who died here help their body to send the country.

- Ashraf has sent 4700 bodies to 38 countries.
