इन वजहों से करते है बच्चे बिस्तर को गीला

Wetting the child on the bed at night is a serious problem for any family. Wetting the bed at the child's younger age is not a big problem, but if a child is urinating in bed even after the age of 5, then it is a serious matter.

Children do this because of emotional and mental stress. Many times he gets scolded in his mind repeatedly, so that he gets wet and wet the bed. That is because of family history.

 Take the children to the bathroom before sleeping. This will gradually reduce the habit of wetting their bed. Reduce caffeinated beverages to children.

This also causes the child to wet the bed. Burn the light light in the children's room. Many times, children do not wake up from bed due to darkness, due to this they can only piss in sleep.

The reason for urinating to many parents is very scary or angry. Instead, explain it with love. Give him a reward for the day he does not pee. They will not be stressed and they will be happy.
