20 साल से मगरमच्छ के साथ रह रही ये फैमिली, देखकर चौंक जायेंगे

Everyone should have seen the dog-cat as a pet's house at home. In Dubai, Sheikh lions and leopards are kept as pets, but the views which were found in Indonesia were the most different. Here a family is living with dangerous crocodiles for the past 20 years. In many years it did not harm anyone, but the family has given name only to fame.

These crocodiles are living in the house of Muhammad Ivan, 41 years old. Evan bought it in 1997 with a fisherman in a fisherman in 1997.

- For the first time, he had seen it at Pangandaran Beach in West Java, where it was caught by a fisherman immediately and the children were playing with it.

Evan came to her house in Sampur district and named this crocodile as Kozake. Since then, he is living with his family.

- They say that in the last two decades, the weight of this crocodile has been more than 200 kg, but it has not harmed anyone yet.
