दुनिया की ऐसी Selfies देखकर आप दंग रह जायेंगे..

Taking shelter in front of a moving train can prove to be dangerous, it was found in Hyderabad. A boy went to the hospital to take shelf in front of the train here. However, this is not the first selfie taken in this way. There are so many cases of Selfie in the world, in which people do not even lose from dangerous to dangerous stunts in the pursuit of Self Self. Here we are showing some such dangerous selfies.

These photos belong to the 420 meter high Jin Mao Towers of Shanghai, where two 'Batman' (wearing clothes like bats) are sitting. Both of them are not competing against criminals, but they are taking selfies. Both of them are from Russia and their names are Vladimir Sidorov and Ivan Kushnetsov. They took this selfie on December 2, 2015 without reaching the 88th floor of the tower without any safe guard.
