‘कम्प्यूटर काउ’ भारतीय गाय से 5 गुना ज्यादा दूध देगी, जानें क्या है इसकी...

It is a coincidence that when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is on his way to India, his dream project 'Computer Cow' is going to come true here this month. However, this computer is not a cow machine but rather a common cow. The only difference is that it is fully fed through computer programs. That is, the cows, food, weather condition etc. are determined by software. The calf movements in the womb are constantly monitored from the computer. Figures show that these cows give the highest milk in the world

When Prime Minister Narendra Modi went on a historic trip to Israel last year, Netanyahu had specifically told him about these cows. Then Modi had shown great interest in it.

This is the reason why the 'Computer Cow' milk production will start in the Center for Excellence in Hisar, Haryana this month.
