चमत्कार! मौत के 2 महीने बाद मुस्कुराने लगा बौद्ध भिक्षु, चौंक पड़ी दुनिया

We will call it miracles. After 2 months of death someone's dead body smiled, the world will be shocked. Yes, here is something like that ...

 This case has surfaced in Thailand. If the body of a Buddhist monk pulled out of the grave for a ritual, his devotees were shocked. Anyone who came in front of him looked blind. Indeed, there was no special difference on the body of a Buddhist monk and a smile was on his face.

According to a media report, this deadbody is from Luang Phor Pian, the master of Buddhist monks, who died at 92 years of age. After the death, he was buried in the same temple where he used to serve.

Just two months later, for a special ritual, his body was taken out of the tomb, the remaining monk was stunned. Luang's face had a crooked smile. It seemed as if he was sleeping in peace.
