दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा एयरक्राफ्ट, देखकर आंख फट जाएगी

After all, the world's largest plane 'Stratolonch' has reached its first historical flight. Recently, 'Stratolong' reached its runway with the help of its own energy. Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen presented this plane in front of the world in June this year. Alan's Aerospace company Stratolunch Systems has made this aircraft. Stratolunch is an aircraft that is designed to carry rockets between the body of the divided AKAFRA in two halves. Initially, its estimated cost was $ 300 million in 2011

The plane aircraft first appeared in Hangar, California in Mojave, California, whose wings are larger than the football field.

- The 28-wheeled plane has 6 engines, all of which are 747 aircraft. The height of this plane with two cockpits is 50 feet.

According to Website Popular Magazine, its wingspan is longer than any aircraft that has spread to about 385 feet.

- According to the magazine, Plane Howard Hughes's H-4 Hercules and the Soviet Union cargo plane will be larger than Antonov N-225.
